Xinaco", a Nahuatle word used by the Olmecs, describes an educated, amiable individual who's personality and charisma transcends and enlightens all cultures and social classes. The "Xinacos" (CHI-Na-Kos) meeting resulted in the creation of a new fraternity. The foundations of the fraternity were started by fifteen good friends at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, California, of which eleven would become founding fathers of the fraternity. It was a great friend of the fraternity, Eddie Alaniz that would coin the name naco, when he would see these gentlemen on campus. Eddie would always say "que honda naco". From here Alurista, an advisor for the organization chose the Greek letters NAK to enunciate the sound of Nac in "Xinaco" and to correspond with the letters that are formed with the movement of a serpent, the open mouth forming the K. This marked the beginning of Nu Alpha Kappa Fraternity, an organization based the belief of a commitment to "Carnalismo" or brotherhood, the search for knowledge and the retention and pride of culture.
Nu Alpha Kappa, was formally established on February 26, 1988 on the campus of Cal Poly San Luis Obispo by Antonio Arreola, Marin Arreola, Nicolas Arreola, Ernesto Garcia, Moises Herrera, Jesse Martinez, Hector Mendoza, Joel Romero, Alberto Salazar, Antonio Valenzuela, and Luis Angulo. In the fall of 1988 these founding fathers would put the first class online. The Alpha Class pledged for a whole semester, and on their crossing night they had a fallout with the fraternity, choosing not to become brothers. Realizing that mistakes had been made the founders invited the entire Alpha class to return as brothers in the spring of 1989. In the end only one would return, and this was Ramiro Ramos. It was also on this night that Luis Angulo would resign his membership from the brotherhood on his own accord. Due to these circumstances Ramiro Ramos was then made a founding father in place of Luis, keeping the number of founders at eleven.
The pressures of being the first Latino-based fraternity at Cal Poly were significant. Despite having many supporters on campus, there were also many detractors who anticipated NAK's demise. With steadfast determination, the brothers of NAK persevered. In the end their hard work has paid off. Twenty-Three years later, NAK is one of the most respected organizations at each of the 24 chapters throughout California, Nevada, and Colorado.
We are Nu Alpha Kappa Fraternity, Incorporated, better known as NAK to our community. Colorado State University accepted our seven founders of Nu Alpha Kappa on April 10, 1999. Our founders saw the need to interface the various backgrounds on our campus into an organization of leaders, regardless of ethnicity. Today, the issue of cultural diversity has moved to the forefront of concerns for Colorado businesses and organizations. Our goal is to enable our brothers to work more efficiently with cultural backgrounds different than their own.
Before we can have a mission, we need to have a vision of where our organization is headed. The Mu chapter will continue to provide the support to our brothers that is needed to succeed in college. Our vision is to provide that support for as many students as possible throughout the country, the world and to help our community while doing so. Our mission is to show you who we were then, who we are now, and who we will become later. We will continue to honor our traditions and achieve our goals: provide academic support for our brothers, help both our campus and local community in any way we can, and to extend our arms to each other as brothers.
The bond that we share is incomparable. College should be remembered as fun and enjoyable. We will always remember our road trips, retreats, community service projects, recruitment process, and of course, our brotherhood. The moments we share with brothers at our mighty Mu chapter, and the common ground we share with brothers in our other NAK chapters are priceless.
We will graduate from Colorado State University with degrees in business, engineering, sociology, chemistry, construction management, and any other concentration. But we will never forget where we came from.
We will become role models for our youth. The Mu Chapter will be paving the road for those who will follow so that they too can experience their college career in the best possible way.
Nu Alpha Kappa has given us the confidence to take initiative, be responsible, and to take pride in what we do. We started at Colorado State University as teenagers and we will leave as;
Men of Mind... Men of Culture... Men of Pride...